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Building Employee Loyalty Through Open Communication

By: Garry Crystal - Updated: 15 Sep 2012 | comments*Discuss
Open Communication In The Workplace

There is no excuse for an absence of open communication in the workplace given the amount of communicative tools available to managers and employees. Open communication is thought to be the number one factor in building employee loyalty and sustaining a successful business.

The Need for Open Communication in the Workplace

Unapproachable managers who spend their days cocooned in their offices should now be a thing of the past. Managers who foster an open door policy within the workplace are more likely to gain employee loyalty and respect. According to the latest survey conducted by Management Actions Program Inc (MAP) open communication in the workplace is one of the best ways to build a successful working relationship between employees and managers. Forget monetary incentives; open communication is now the number one factor when it comes to creating a successful working environment.

The Manager’s Door is Always Open

Managers who have trouble communicating with their employees should turn this around by implementing an open door policy. Sitting in an office all day and venturing out at lunchtimes only does not build a team atmosphere. Managers who appear unapproachable to their employees cut off a vital route towards open communication. Employees who are actively encouraged to share their ideas and problems feel more valued and have more confidence in their managers. Non communication mean that problems in the workplace can be allowed to continue when they could have been easily solved.

Face to Face Rather than Email

It is common for employees and managers to rely on the use of email communications rather than walk a few feet in order to talk face to face. Email is an effective and inexpensive communications tool but is ineffective when it comes to building workplace relationships. Managers who actually take the time to talk to their employees in person are seen as more hands on. It only takes a few extra minutes and a bit of effort to show employees that the manager is approachable and not someone to be avoided.

Building Team Spirit Through Open Communication

Employees rate team spirit highly when it comes to a good working environment. Managers who actually place themselves into the team rather than someone who simply manages the team should find employees more open and communicative. Managers need to become hands on and join in with some of the daily activities in the workplace. By doing this staff morale will be boosted and an extra level of communication should open up between managers and employees.

Listen to Employee Ideas

The old fashioned suggestion box stuck outside the manager’s office should also be a thing of the past. Employees are the lifeblood of any company and in most cases they will be able to provide ideas to boost sales and streamline workplace activities. Mangers should always be open to ideas from employees even if some of them are not actually put into practice. Dismissing a business idea from an employee without consideration will make the employees more reluctant to bring any further ideas to the manager. Again this simply shuts down a valuable area of communication in the workplace.

Open Communication and Business Profitability

Managers who communicate their ideas effectively to employees should find that the business becomes more productive. The line of communication concerning the company’s business intentions should run from manager to employees and then to customers. This line of communication should of course be a two way process. Open communication should mean an absence of any confusion between employees and managers. Employees will know exactly what is expected from them and can pass on the business mission to customers. A smooth running business should be a more productive business with happier employees and customers.

A lack of open communication can be one of the major problem areas in a business. Absence of communication can cause confusion within the workplace and can have an impact on other business areas. Employees should never be afraid to approach their managers with either problems or new business ideas. Employee loyalty, a good working environment and open communication go hand in hand and are the foundations of a successful business.

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